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Passionate about finance and sustainability, Gabriel is excited to help support companies and investors implement ESG best practices in their strategies and business decisions.


Gabriel completed a B.A. in Economics from McGill University and a Master of Philosophy in Environmental Policy from the University of Cambridge. His master’s thesis titled ESG Investing: A Sphere in Transition is a comprehensive overview of key aspects in the rapidly evolving world of ESG  such as its history, advantages, challenges and future development. Prior to joining Millani, Gabriel completed an internship at UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) in which he assisted on the development of ESG metrics for the Montreal-Kunming agreement and on the development of the Taskforce for Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). At Millani, Gabriel's main roles include supporting the team on client mandates as well as with research.

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Gabriel Egiziano

B.A Economics,

MPhil in Environmental Policy 

Junior Consultant


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